Make, Code, Have Fun

This site was created to collect all of our project done in our coding class.

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  1. Open a Google Chrome browser and visit MakeCode micro:bit website

    You should see a screen like this: MakeCode microbit homepage

    MakeCode is a web application. The program gets loaded into your browser, and so are the projects that you created before. If you ever clear your browser’s cookie data, your projects will be lost. Therefore, remember to save your project into your local machine, or use GitHub.

  2. A view on the IDE

    MakeCode microbit IDE

  3. Build some code and run simulation, and save your project

    MakeCode microbit save project

  4. Pairing Microbit with PC, and Download your program

    If the microbit is not plugged in, you will be prompted to save your project. The project is saved into a .hex file. Download when microbit is not plugged in

    After you plug a microbit into your PC, you will see a new drive shown up. That’s the microbit’s storage. One can also download an existing program (.hex file) to microbit by directly dragging the file, and drop it in microbit’s drive. In my case, that’s drive F:

    Microbit drive

    Finally, in the code editor, we can pair our microbit, and download directly from the code editor. To pair, connect microbit, click the purple “Download” button, then select “Pair”

    Pair microbit in MakeCode

    You will see a window pop up asking for permission to connect. Select the BBC microbit, then click connect. After that, you can click “Download” again, and your program will be directly download to the microbit.

    Permission to pair

  5. How to open saved project

    Open a save project in MakeCode is easy. Just drag your hex file from your computer and drop it into the MakeCode coding area.